Alpha One, a Center for Independent Living, is managed and governed by people with disabilities. Since its founding in 1978, Alpha One has been a pioneer in advocating, developing, and implementing system changes to overcome barriers and enable people who are aging or have a disability to live independently at home and in the community.

Care Coordination Services

Quick Facts About Alpha One's Caregiver Services; Over 40 years of experience helping people in Maine; A highly qualified staff, including registered nurses, occupational therapists, and social workers; Choice and control in directing your own care; Independence through Self-Direction; A strong network of programs, services, and resources

Remaining independent and in the community is an empowering and cost-effective choice for an individual who is aging or has a disability. A critical element in achieving that independence can be utilizing personal care services to assist with various activities of daily living. This might include help with bathing or dressing as well as housekeeping or grocery shopping.

Alpha One care coordination can help an individual locate and access the services outlined in the individual’s authorized Plan of Care as developed by the Assessing Services Agency (ASA).  Personal care services may be accessed through two different delivery options:

  • Consumer-Directed Services
  • Agency Based Services

Consumer-Directed Services

One of many portraits of people with an intellectual disability available on my websiteConsumer-directed services empower individuals to direct their own care.  Alpha One Independent Living Specialists, who are highly skilled professionals, will provide consumers with the training they need to recruit, select, hire, and manage their own personal care staff.

For those who require additional assistance to self-direct, some of the MaineCare programs offer a representative model where a friend or family member can take on the responsibilities to  manager caregiver staff. Both models offer flexibility in choosing and scheduling staff to meet daily needs. Alpha One will provide training in the following areas:

  • Advertising & recruitment
  • Interviewing and making hiring decisions
  • Managing staff on a day-to-day basis
  • Maintaining staff safety
  • Reviewing options for fiscal intermediary (FI) services
  • Assisting with a referral to the chosen FI company

Alpha One’s affiliate, Attendant Services Maine (ASM), provides the fiscal intermediary services that consumers require to direct their own care. ASM’s services enable individuals to easily hire and employ their own care attendants by handling all required employer and employee paperwork, time tracking, payroll, tax filings, and workers’ compensation insurance.


Agency Based Services

As an alternative to self-direction, consumers may choose agency based services where home care staffing agencies employ, schedule, and manage personal caregiver services.  Alpha One will work with the consumer and family as to preferences for agency care and work to locate licensed agency staffing.Older adult woman with cane

After successful engagement of agency staffing, Alpha One will continue to provide care coordination services, and our Independent Living professionals will assist in accessing services addressing other goals you may have to live independently, such as:

  • Assistive Technology
  • Home Accessibility
  • Community services